
Systemic Leadership

Systemic Leadership
Jan Jacob Stam, Barbara Hoogenboom

Systems Lead. They lead the whole and they lead the individual. This applies to leaders too.

This makes leadership about leading and following, about knowing and acknowledging, about going with the flow ánd about swimming against the current. Because sometimes you need to swim against the current of life to find a meaningful source there, before allowing yourself to flow with the force of the organisational system. This book will tell you what a system demands of leadership. How organisations can flourish and flow from a systemic perspective.

Authors Jan Jacob Stam (1954) and Barbara Hoogenboom (1972) are seen as authorities in this area worldwide. Much of what we know today about organisations on a systemic level, was discovered and given form and language by the Bert Hellinger Institute the Netherlands. Stam and Hoogenboom are founder and owners of this leading institute.

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Systemic Business School

Systemic Business School gives leaders completely new tools for their leadership style. When you work from the connectedness of the whole, you will find it easier and more enjoyable to achieve your goals, together with your team and organization. Systemic leadership helps you to continue your journey as a leader with inspiration and energy.

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